When A Man Loves

Percy Sledge’s song “When a Man loves a Woman” is a soulful rendition of what a man would do when he really loves a woman. Most women want to be loved unconditionally and desire to see that love in action just as much as in words. However, many of us look for the wrong kind of love. Rather than seeking after how much a man loves us, we need to refocus on how much he loves God.

As a mother of five, I’ve prayed many years for my children’s future spouses. I’ve often asked God to send the right ones who would love them fully. However, I’ve come to revise that prayer and ask God to send those who love the Lord with all their hearts. And vice versa—that my children will love God with all their hearts.

When a man loves God, he will learn from Scripture how to love because Jesus said that those who love Him will do His commandments. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he is given the ability to love unconditionally in words, thoughts and actions. By loving and receiving this type of agape love, he becomes a living epistle to those who don’t know God or His love for them.

As women believers, we need to embrace this concept and reject the world’s philosophy of seeking someone based on their love for us rather than their love for God. We are also called to love God with all of our hearts and unconditionally express that love to others. The love from our Lord is pure and never fails. Let us walk in that love towards all people as representatives of Christ.

Crystal McDowell