What to Do in the Valley

Have you ever been in a valley of despair? Our disappointments, regrets, and unmet expectations reside in the valley. Sometimes it takes a while to climb out of it and we can find ourselves getting tired of the journey. The valley experience wasn’t what we anticipated when we began our Christian journey. We may have expected hard days, but not difficult years that a valley may bring.

Yet, the valley experience will develop us into being more like Jesus Christ. It will help us with persevering under difficulty, overcoming sin, and depending completely on God. We may not immediately recognize our spiritual growth, but it will be evident to those in our homes, schools, or workplace.

If we learn to worship God in the valley, our hearts begin to understand the joy in the midst of difficulties. If we learn to pray in the valley, our prayers become more discerning and powerful. If we learn to know God’s word in the valley, our minds are well fortified against the attacks of the devil. If we learn to serve others in the valley, we immediately recognize that we aren’t the only ones hurting and that there are people much worse off than us.

The valley experience isn’t for everyone. Many believers choose the easier path of living a surface Christianity that minimally requires church attendance, infrequent Bible readings, and hurried prayers. Yet, for those who are willing to go deeper in Christ to experience His amazing presence, the valley experience will be the toughest, but most rewarding part of their life. Our mountain top triumphs are even more celebrated when we remember where we’ve come from in the valley.