Waiting or Witnessing

Many of us struggle with witnessing because it doesn’t come natural to us. We are hesitant because we don’t want our family and friends to be offended. Sometimes we resist witnessing because we assume that people will hear the Gospel from another source. We also resist witnessing because we falsely judge people by their outer appearance and assume they wouldn’t want to hear truth from us.

Whatever our reasoning for waiting instead of witnessing, we bear the responsibility of sharing the truth with those who will suffer throughout eternity for their sins. We don’t have the power to change people’s hearts and minds to accept Christ. Yet we do have the ability to share what is different and unique about our lives because of Jesus Christ.

Even our witnessing isn’t up to us. It’s when we turn to Christ and ask Him for the strength to be a living sacrifice so that others may truly live. The Lord will give us wisdom in our workplaces and schools if we seek Him. Joseph, Daniel, and Nehemiah were able to give God glory in the midst of a pagan environment. God gave them the words to share, and He will also give the same to us when we seek Him.

There is an incredible joy in our hearts when we witness those moving from the darkness of sin to the light of Christ. They are changed in ways we could never imagine possible because God saves to the utmost. Many times entire families and generations are impacted because one person decided to share their story of being set free with someone else. Let’s stop waiting on the right time and start witnessing as God opens up the doors.