The Lamb of God

Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, Who takes away our sin, He came the sinless Son of God To cleanse our hearts within

He hung upon the blood-stained cross Thinking of you and me, Dying like some hardened criminal, His body in agony

His blood flowed down from the cross; His body tormented with pain He cried out to His Heavenly Father, But it seemed no answer came

People stood and jeered at Him, Mocking to the end Who Jesus was and why He came, They couldn’t comprehend

Their hearts were indifferent to the Lord; Their consciences grew ever cold His mother watched on – unable to bear it As the sword pierced through her soul

As you try to grasp this picture, The pain that Christ went through, Remember that day you were on His mind, He endured it all for you

Just so you could know His love And forgiveness for your sins, To know His resurrection power And to have His life within

He cares that much about your life, He endured the cross for you Like those who jeered, or those who loved, With Jesus – what will you do?

© By M.S.Lowndes