Stony Ground

When I was young I heard Jesus call,

And under conviction I gave my heart, I thought I gave it all.

Through prayer and God’s word I would have grown,

But I did little of both, I wish I would have known.

With Jesus in my heart and by my side my life would shine,

But I chose the world instead, and left him behind.

Then whatever I did in life there was always something missing,

Then alcohol and drugs, why weren’t I listening?

No matter how hard I tried I could not stop,

You reap what you sow and that’s what I got.

To the bottom I fell and all hope was gone,

With this life I was living, death wouldn’t be long.

I thought of the one, who sits on the throne,

But why would he care now after what I had shown?

I looked up to heaven and confessed what I had done,

And asked for forgiveness from God’s only son.

God still loved me even though I had failed the test,

And removed all my sins as far as the east is from the west.

Now prayer and his word are part of my every day,

He leads and directs me all along my way.

He has restored unto me the peace and joy I had lost,

This time giving my whole heart and life was the cost.

I will strive through my life to let God’s love show,

And to let others see what I now know.


Jeffrey Scott Roush