Risk of Faith

Abraham was led from the comfort of everything and everyone he knew to go to an unknown land with a promise that wouldn’t be fulfilled for many years. Abraham took the risk of faith in spite of not being able to understand or know everything that God was doing. I imagine his difficult conversation with Sarah and her going along with him without a real understanding of the situation. It must have been very hard to wrap her mind around what they were doing. What made them take such a great risk of faith? It was the source of their faith: God.

How many of us are willing to take the risk of faith? Many times a risk of faith can look terribly ridiculous or foolish. Take those who’ve sold everything they own and moved to another country in order to share the Gospel with the lost. Take someone who shares the Gospel with a hurting co-worker at the risk of being reprimanded by their boss. What is foolishness to those in the world could be the risk of faith that God is expecting from His children.

A risk of faith in the Lord isn’t some presumptuous or foolish act. It’s a deliberate prayerful trust in God regardless of the circumstances. This step of faith is just the beginning of a relationship with God. Those who continue to grow in Jesus Christ will find the risks becoming greater with each step. Faith is meant to grow every day, be seen in action and not just words.

It’s not so difficult to take the risk of faith when we are focused more on who God is and less on our abilities. What is certainly impossible with man is very much possible with God. There is nothing He can’t do for those who put their trust in Him.