Realignment of Leadership

As a young boy, Daniel was forcibly removed from his home to serve pagan kings until the end of his days. Without the support of his family, Daniel found a way to serve God first and the pagan kings second. Even with his godly preference, he was appreciated and honored for his service to these kings. Daniel rose above all others in his skill, insight, and excellent behavior.

When Daniel served Nebuchadnezzar, he was instrumental in interpreting dreams. Under the evil Belshazzar, Daniel interpreted the writing on the wall. Under King Darius, Daniel was honored and placed above every satrap in the kingdom for his excellence. Daniel was also noted for his good work under King Cyrus. Regardless of who he served under, the favor of God was on His life.

As citizens of any country, there will be realignments of people in authority—sometimes great kings or presidents and sometime awful ones. On our jobs there will be a constant realignment of executive leadership and below–again, sometimes a great boss and sometimes not. In every situation, believers are called to still serve God with all of their hearts and work every job (regardless of the leader) as unto God.

A realignment of leadership can affect us positively or negatively depending on the leader. However, as believers in Jesus Christ, we recognize that God is the One Who puts leaders in place and Who takes leaders down. The Lord has an agenda for all people in authority. Our responsibility is to show godly respect to our leaders regardless of their leadership styles.

Just like Daniel, we show our faithfulness to God even if we are under the leadership of an unbeliever. We still work just as hard as a witness of God’s faithfulness and representation in the business. We stay true to the work expected unless that work requires us to disobey God’s commands. Yet God is faithful to deliver us just as He delivered Daniel from the lion’s den.