Put On God’s Armour

God will never fail us
Even though we fail Him
He’s willing to give a second chance
When we stumble over sin


And yes, from time to time,
Sin creeps into our lives
So subtly does Satan attack,
Unaware, sin gets inside


Our armour must be worn
At all times, night and day
Don’t let your guard down for a minute,
For Satan will find a way


To destroy all our dreams
And upset all our plans,
To bring confusion to our minds
So we fail to understand


What is really happening
As he gains more control,
To eventually destroy us all
And take captive our souls


But as we stand on God’s word,
Satan’s plans will not succeed,
For greater is He that dwells in us
Than Satan and his deeds


We need to read God’s word,
Each and every day,
So we will be fully equipped
And a warrior when we pray


So daily gird yourself
With the armour that you need,
Each piece is needed for battle
To defeat our enemy


And Christ has won the battle
Over death and our sin,
Satan will always remain defeated
And Jesus shall always win.