Protect Our Young

Growing up, I watched a TV show called Wild Kingdom, which gave me insight into the jungles and wildlife in other countries. Without fail, every show about lions chasing after their prey made everyone stop to watch. While we didn’t want to see the poor antelope captured, we couldn’t move away from the TV until the tense situation was settled either way.

There was one characteristic that stood out regardless of whether it was lions, tigers, or hyenas hunting their prey—they sought out the one in the herd that was the weakest, whether because they were young or disabled physically. Many times the herd would circle around the youngest to protect them from the intense gaze of their predator. If the young animal should wander away from the herd, they were almost always caught in the jaws of a stronger animal and held down to be eaten alive.

In this wicked culture of the last days, our children and teens are also being stalked by a dangerous and evil predator named Satan. He will tempt mature believers to walk away from their faith, but his strongest urge is to wipe out the next generation in any way possible. It’s only when the body of believers surround our young people with prayer, solid biblical teaching, and strong examples of faith that they will be able to evade the enemy’s attack.

Christian mothers stay on their knees interceding for their children of all ages until Jesus calls them home. They live faithfully to God’s word without compromise even when tempted. As a result, their children are well equipped to stand up against Satan and conquer the enemy instead of being spiritually eaten alive and defeated by temptation.