Pray ‘Em Through

Job had ten children before the day of his great trial, when they were all killed by a terrible storm. However, Job constantly prayed and sacrificed for his children when they were alive. He didn’t take for granted that they would have the same heart towards God that He had. Instead, he initiated and sent for them to be consecrated before God after every feast. He prayed his children through even though he didn’t know they would die in their youth.

As mothers, we have the responsibility to pray for our children every day. We can’t take for granted their walk with God, which could be strong in their childhood and weaken in their adult lives. While it may be difficult at times to pray, especially when they are breaking our hearts, we must be faithful to pray that God will get their attention. We would do well by praying that God would allow them to get caught if they are doing the wrong things. It would take a brave mother to pray like this.

Our children recognize when we pray for them because they will ask for it when they are sick, in trouble, or struggling in school. They know that God exists and hears the prayers of their mother. As a result, they will eventually learn to pray for themselves and others with the expectation of seeing God answer their prayers.

We pray not only for their salvation and growth in Jesus Christ, but we also pray for their safety and protection. We can pray for their future spouses to be men and women who love God. We can pray that they will be used by God to accomplish great things in the name of Jesus Christ.

Crystal McDowell