Our Gracious God
Our God is a gracious God. His mercies and loving-kindness are new every day, and will not run out.
No matter how trying we can be to Him at times, and how much we stumble and fall in our walk, He is there with ‘grace’. He is there with ‘compassion’. He is there with ‘mercy’. He is there with ‘loving-kindness’. He does not boil over in anger toward us He doesn’t get enraged. He is slow to anger. He understands how we feel, and sees our hearts desire is to be like Christ though we fail many times. He knows that while we are in this flesh of ours we won’t be ‘perfect’ and ‘sinless’ like Him and that’s where His grace comes in. His grace forgives, restores, heals and loves.
So today, really get a glimpse of Gods grace.
When I look upon Christ’s face,
I see the reflection of God’s grace.