Let Those Arrows Fly

My son desired to join the military since he was in high school, but we wanted him to have the college experience first. After a year and a half of college life, he decided that he still wanted to join the armed forces. Two years later, he’s now preparing for a long deployment. As a military mom, you stay on your knees, not only for his protection but that God will use his experience to help him grow into being a man of God.

Your children may not choose the military but, whatever career they choose, will need your constant prayers and support in the Lord. The Bible describes children as arrows in the hand of a warrior. As prayer warriors and intercessors of our children, we can pray that God directs them in the life plan that He has for them. We can also pray that as arrows, our children will go further than what we have in our lifetime.

God didn’t bless us with children for them to be our clones; instead, each of them is individually called by God to be free to follow Him, regardless of the cost of time, energy, or finances. A brave and courageous mother will release her children to follow God’s calling. We must resist the temptation to entrap them with our fears and limitations. Instead, we must pray and trust God to lead them when we can’t even comprehend where they are going.

When we let our children fly as arrows, we understand that we have been chosen by God to be the bow in their lives and point them in the right direction as we lead them to Jesus.

Crystal McDowell