Keep Praying

Have you been praying for someone for a very long time? It could be for their salvation or their need for a changed heart. Perhaps they struggle with alcoholism, drug abuse, and/or mental illness. Or maybe we are praying for their spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. Whatever the plight, we may be on the verge of giving up because of the lack of change or progress.

As intercessors for others, we are often tempted by Satan to shrug our shoulders and walk away from the pressure. It’s his primary method to get us discouraged to that point. Yet, we can remain on our knees in intercession because as long as there is life, there is hope.

Since we walk by faith and not by sight, we keep interceding and trusting in God to do His great work. As much as we want to throw off the mantle of intercession, we press forward in faith asking the Lord to strengthen us in this journey. As intercessors, we are also partners with Jesus who interceded for us before His betrayal and continues to intercede at the right hand of the Father.

Intercession isn’t easy, but it’s well worth it. We are breaking down spiritual barriers even though we may not feel nor see it. Our labor of love and prayer aren’t in vain as the Lord receives our prayers as incense in heaven. Our intercessory prayers are accepted and answered all according to God’s will.

We resist the urge to quit interceding for others, not because we are good and righteous. Rather, we are compelled by the Spirit of God to come boldly to the throne of grace for those who need His help.