Have You Messed Up

Just because we are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ doesn’t mean that we don’t sin. We are prone to the temptations of our own sinful nature, the world’s influence, and Satan’s ploys. Many times we don’t even realize our sin until much later, and we are then tempted to lean towards regret, guilt, and shame. It’s in those times, we must turn to God in repentance of our sins and receive His forgiveness. (1 John 1:9)

When we confess and repent to God, we turn completely away from it. We aren’t repeat offenders in our sin because it bothers us and we can’t continue to live in peace. Yet, it’s different for unbelievers, the power of sin remains and though there may be some regret, there’s no repentance. When we became believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, the power of sin was broken over our lives. We no longer have to live under the dictates and whims of our sinful nature.

However, some of us, due to the nature of our sin, may have sinful strongholds in our lives that need to be torn down. It could be sexual strongholds constantly luring us into sensuality. It could be strongholds from substance abuse of narcotics, alcohol, or smoking. It could be strongholds of lying, thievery, or gluttonous behavior. Regardless of the strongholds, there is power from God that will destroy them in the life of a believer. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) Because of the deep roots of these sins, it may take more time to find complete freedom. However, it’s entirely possible to be free in Christ, regardless of the stronghold, when a believer’s heart is open and humble to the work of God on their hearts.