Faithful to Forgive

God will always forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, when we come and confess our sins. No matter what we do or say, He is quick to forgive us. It is His very nature to be forgiving. He can’t not forgive. No one is exempt from sinning, for all have sinned. We don’t stop sinning the moment we become Christians. We still fall short and stumble along the way. No matter how spiritual we are, we can still slip up in thought and action. We need to ‘continually’ come to God for forgiveness, and He will ‘continuously’ cleanse us.

We may think of this verse in relation to new Christians, but it is for all of us. Even those who have walked with God for 50-60 years or more need to come back to this verse every now and then. New Christians and older Christians alike can take encouragement from this, and know that when we do slip up, God is there with open arms, ready to forgive and cleanse us.

When we sin, stumble and fall, We can find forgiveness from the Lord