Faith Test

Some people are great test takers—they don’t have to study as much because they either have a strong understanding of the material or they’ve learned the art of test taking. Tests are primarily given to rate the knowledge and understanding of a subject. In this Christian journey, our faith is tested in many different ways yet leading towards the same result—a solid stance in our walk with Jesus Christ.

If we were never tested in our faith, how would we really know our spiritual growth in the Lord? One of the saddest plights in schooling is when a student has graduated and yet they lack the basic skills necessary for a continuing education or career. Just the same for believers if we are never tested in our faith, we would fail in the greater experiences that God has planned for us.

Many of us aren’t great test takers—in the natural or spiritual. For us test taking is difficult, inconvenient, and many times we want to quit even before we take the test. Yet if we persevere through our testing, we will find great joy on the other side. When we are tested in our faith, we resist the urge to ask God “why is this happening to me?” and instead we ask “what do you want me to learn from this?”

The grading scale in our faith testing is either pass or fail. We either pass because we are trusting in the Lord with all of our hearts or we fail because we are trusting in our own strength. If we fail—we will take it again because God loves us too much to pass us to the next level if we aren’t ready. As we mature in the Lord, our test of faith will get harder—yet our trust in the Lord will be stronger.


Crystal McDowell