Facing Your Fears

There are many things in this world that give us reasons to fear: war, terrorism, violence, cancer, thieves, etc. Yet, if we allow fear to take root in our hearts, we will find ourselves paralyzed and unable to do God’s will. Fear will rob, not only our sleep and peace, but it will keep us from walking in the destiny of our calling. God has not given us a spirit of fear; in contrast, He’s given us power, love, and self-control. (2 Timothy 1:7) With these three weapons, we can turn and conquer every fear that is thrown towards us.

Turn and face your fears in the dunamis power of God. Dunamis is the Greek word for dynamite. The power of God that is within each believer of Jesus Christ can blow away every fear. We are given this power through the Holy Spirit who reminds us of God’s grace and strength to overcome fear that attempts to keep us from moving forward in the faith.

Turn and face your fears in the unconditional love of God. There is nothing in heaven nor earth that can separate us from God’s love. Love is a powerful force that is evident in human relationships, how much more powerful is the love of God for His people? We can stand boldly in faith against fear, because we know God is our Protector who loves us fiercely.

Turn and face your fears in the soundness of mental self-control. Satan often attacks our minds with fears of all the what-ifs: what if I die, what if my family is hurt, what if I lose my job, what if I lose my mind, etc. The devil is the father of all lies and he will blow up anything to look bigger than God. However, we can discipline our minds with the word of God to speak truth to the devil’s lies in the face of fear. The word of God will utterly destroy Satan’s suggestions to our minds.