Be Patient–God Isn’t Done Yet

As a mom of five children, I’ve witnessed their impatience since they were babies. I couldn’t get their bottle warmed up fast enough when they were hungry, I couldn’t get to their bedroom fast enough when they were crying, and I couldn’t get their diapers changed fast enough when they were dirty. I learned very quickly to get to them when I could and not necessarily when they wanted me to be there. In doing so, they learned to be patient (to some degree) because they knew their mother was going to take care of their needs.

To a much greater extent, God our Father is the same way. He will come through for us when we need Him and not one minute sooner than necessary. In our human and finite view, it seems like He will never come through for us. We sometimes cry and moan like babies because our Father seems to move so slow according to our agenda.

Yet He is teaching us to be patient and trust in His perfect timing. We often need to pull ourselves away from being overly anxious and instead step up in our spiritual maturity. God will honor His word and watch over it to perform His will. It’s our responsibility to pray to Him, know His word, and take steps of faith in our actions.

Becoming patient isn’t easy, but it’s entirely possible once we calm ourselves down. We begin this process by focusing on how God has been faithful in the past. As we recognize His faithfulness, we then move forward in hope that we aren’t abandoned or ignored by Him. Patience is a growing virtue in those who want to know Him and His ways.