Just Stand

When we’ve done everything we know to do in the Lord, it’s time to just stand firm in our faith. We’ve prayed consistently, served God’s people, studied the Scriptures, and shared our faith, among other things. Yet the waves of trials and tribulations attempt to pull us from God’s purpose. We will be tempted to step back into our comfort zone. Our flesh will cry out for relief from the pressure. How should we S-T-A-N-D on the solid Rock of Jesus Christ regardless of the storms?
S – Stay true to what we know is right in God’s word even in the time of testing.
After we’ve done all we know to do without any immediate answers to our prayers, our faith may waver. We keep doing what we know is right in the Lord because of His faithfulness.
T – Take time out for quiet prayer, meditation, and reflection.
It’s important that we set aside quiet, reflective moments. Our spirits, minds, and bodies need times of refreshing and remembering God’s plan and purpose for our lives.
A – Align our hearts and minds with the truths of Scripture.
We can’t stand on great quotes or traditions. Our confidence is emboldened by the word of God. Our constant reliance on the Scriptures will continue to strengthen us when we feel weakened by trials.
N – Never let ourselves get wrapped up in the regrets of “what-ifs.”
We don’t step back into the former things of our lives. Because we can’t change the past, we have to let it go and ask the Lord for wisdom to move on.
D – Determine to press forward in this lifetime until the Lord takes us home.
We press forward in the Lord to experience a deeper relationship with Him. We make up our minds that it’s all Jesus or nothing.