Why Did She Laugh

The Lord told Abraham that Sarah would have a child within a year of His visit. Sarah overheard the conversation and laughed to herself at the thought of being an elderly mother. When she laughed, God asked Abraham, “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” (Genesis 18:14) Sarah denied that she laughed because she was afraid. After a year’s time, Isaac, the promised son, was born.

Many of us can understand why she laughed—not just because of her age but because of how utterly impossible it seemed to be for them. Yet not just for Abraham and Sarah but also for us today. How many of us have had dreams and visions ignited in our hearts that seem ridiculously impossible? So much that we are hesitant to share with our family and friends what the Lord has laid upon our hearts.

We mimic Sarah and look at our situations–lack of education, money, time, energy, influence, etc.–and wonder, “How can this be?” Yet we also need to remember that there is nothing impossible with God. What He sets out to do in our lives is entirely possible because He is God. Our faith is tested because we want to believe in God’s calling, yet we are limited by our own finite abilities.

Abraham and Sarah couldn’t have children based on their natural state of mind and body. It was the intervening power of God that made it possible. It’s the same with us.  It’s not our abilities, but rather God’s infinite abilities that make the dreams come to life. He is more than able to do above and beyond what we believe is possible.