What’s Up in Your House?

When my son was growing up, he would ask me every Sunday morning if we were going to church. As a young man, he still occasionally asks me as a joke because he’s heard the same answer for years: “You’ve been going to church even before you were born, of course…we are going to church!” Early in their young lives, it’s been established that Jesus Christ is Lord of our home. As a result, there are certain precedents in my home for the family:

As for me and my house, you will go to church with us on Sundays even when you are visiting from college, out of town, etc.

As for me and my house, you will be respectful and honor your parents, teachers, principals, pastor, police officers, judges, etc.

As for me and my house, your date will meet with your parents before you leave. (Also, they will not honk the horn when they pick you up, their pants will be all the way pulled up, they will take off their hat, etc.)

As for me and my house, you will sleep in the same room with your spouse—not your boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancé, significant other, etc.

As for me and my house, we will respect and hold in high esteem the word of God in memory and practice.

As for me and my house, we will seek the Lord in prayer before making major or minor decisions concerning the welfare of the family.

As for me and my house, we will glorify the Lord in every activity that we engage in whether we are the winners or losers, whether we pass or fail, etc.

As for me and my house, we will reject every worldly and culture belief that stands against the teaching of God’s word.

As for me and my house, we will not be ashamed of our Christianity in the face of ridicule or persecution.