God’s Not Done With You Yet

Caleb and Joshua were the only two spies sent out who came back with a positive report. They watched an entire generation of people die in 40 years of wandering. Yet their strength never left them. By the time of the Promised Land, both men retained the same physical abilities they had 40 years ago. God blessed them because of their obedience and faith in Him.

Caleb was set apart because he had a different spirit and followed the Lord with all of his heart (Joshua 14:24). Caleb’s spirit stayed with the Lord in spite of the doubts and fears of other people. He didn’t half-step his faith in God—it was all God or nothing with him. As a result of his faithfulness, Caleb was blessed with good land; and he drove out the giants at over 80 years of age.

Sometimes we can get bogged down with what we see instead of what we know that God has spoken to our hearts. We can get like the ten spies and see all the things that can go wrong instead of seeing how God is faithful. We doubt ourselves because of our age, race, and lack of education or career experience. Yet if we would only grasp the example of Caleb, we will also slay the giants of doubt, fear, and unbelief.

God isn’t done with us. He has a plan for every single child of faith, and His plans don’t change because of our circumstances. We have the choice to give up prematurely or to persevere in the faith that our God is able to do what we ask or expect.