Lest We Forget

In Deuteronomy chapter 4, Moses is giving his farewell to the Israelites. He wanted them to reflect on God’s grace, mercy, provision, and miraculous interventions in their lives. Moses repeated again and again that the people needed to obey God’s laws and diligently teach them to their children.

The people responded that they would in fact, follow after God—yet we know that in Judges 2:10 that “And there arose another generation after them who did not know the LORD or the work that he had done for Israel.” At some point in time, two generations after Joshua, the people didn’t know God. As a result, God’s judgment fell upon the nation and they began to lose ground to their enemies. How did this happen?

When people stop living diligently to God either in Moses’ time or this current generation, another people will grow up without the knowledge of Him. As believers in Jesus Christ, we have the responsibility to invest in the next generation with our lives that reveal the truths of God and not just religious activity or duties. This isn’t just for parents and grandparents, but for every believer in Jesus Christ who can influence the next generation.

If we don’t spend time with God in prayer—earnestly seeking His face—we will forget about Him and our children (natural or spiritual) may never know Jesus for themselves. If we don’t know and live God’s word, our lives won’t have the season and flavor of Jesus Christ in our homes, workplaces, and communities. If we don’t actively engage in Christian fellowship in our local ministries, we will snuff out the light of Christ in our communities.

Our due diligence in prayer, study of God’s word, fasting, fellowshipping with other believers will keep our testimony alive and thriving to those around us. The next generation will be equipped for the trials and temptations of their days. As a result, they will then equip and prepare the next generation of Christian believers.