When Work Gets Tough

Have you ever had those days at work when you don’t really want to be there? Perhaps you work for a difficult boss and coworkers. Or perhaps you feel underpaid and underutilized for your skill sets. Maybe you feel out of place and that you need to find something that speaks more to your heart and purpose.

Whatever the reason for your dissatisfaction or discontent, there’s hope in Christ. The Lord has an ordained plan for each us in our workplaces. We can mumble, or we can turn our eyes towards God and seek His direction for our peace. Reflect over W-O-R-K and find your way to make it purposeful every day.

W – Wake up each day with a renewed sense of God’s purpose and plan for your life. Every day is a new opportunity for God to use you for His purpose. We have the presence of the Holy Spirit within our hearts. He will renew our joy and peace if we look to Him first.

O – Open your mind to God’s ability to change the workplace. A closed mind is shut down to potential possibilities in the workplace. As believers in Jesus Christ, we have an advantage because God can take any problem and work it for our good according to His plan for our lives.

R – Refuse to give into the temptation of complaining and murmuring. Underlying discontentment leads to negative words and poor attitudes. We have power from God to overcome our pessimistic thoughts to a refreshing, positive, and renewing outlook.

K – Keep steady in your integrity and commitment to do the best work you can. As long as we are continuing to work as to the Lord with all our strength and ability, He will reward us in ways the workplace could never match. Our promotion comes from the Lord, and He is fair and just in all His ways.