Jehovah Jireh

Years ago I found myself at a place I never thought I would be in my life. I was completely lost on how I was going to provide for my family. I fell on my knees before God and pleaded for wisdom on how to move forward. I felt the Holy Spirit speak to my heart, “When you need it, it will be there.”

Fast forward to the present time, and God has proved His faithfulness to provide every step of the way. There were many times I had no idea how a situation was going to work out, and God always provided. Abraham was faced with a similar dilemma—he obeyed God’s command to take his beloved son and sacrifice him in the land of Moriah. He had no idea how it was going to work out. Yet when Isaac asked about the sacrifice, his response was “God will provide.”

Many times we want God to show us how He’s going to provide before we take the actual steps of obedience. Not with Abraham—he immediately stepped out in faith. It’s in our steps of obedience that we most clearly stake our faith in His ability to provide for us. If we had everything we wanted, why would we need to ask God for it? It’s our faith in the invisible but real God that projects us to believing in the impossible.

The Lord promises to provide all of our needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). It’s our responsibility to request and trust in God’s perfect timing for our needs. We won’t necessarily get everything we want; however, He will provide those things that we need for survival, peace, and hope in Him.