Sloppy Agape

There are many people who confess to be Christians, but their words and actions seem to contradict what the Bible teaches. It’s evident in their lack of love to other people, especially unbelievers. It’s much easier to love those who love us than it is to love those who hate us, hate our God, and hate our convictions. Yet it is sloppy agape love that repels more people from the cross than anything else we do.

This sloppy agape love is most evident when we are confronted with the realities of a culture which distorts the truth of God to accommodate their fleshly desires. We are tempted to not love others because of their choices and lifestyles, which are in direct conflict to the teachings of the Bible. Yet we are in this world and not of the world. The world loves those who love them and hates those who hate them. However, it’s different for us as believers—we love those who hate us because of the genuine concern for their souls.

It’s not always easy to show the unconditional love of Christ. Many people have set themselves as enemies of the cross and will do whatever it takes to destroy those who love God. Yet the agape love of God will give us discernment and wisdom when dealing with those who are deceived by the evil one. We can dig deep in our prayers and meditation of God’s word to receive power from the Holy Spirit to love.

When we are at home, work, school or in our communities, we can demonstrate the love of Christ in such a way that they know we are different. Agape love is unconditional, and we can genuinely reflect this love regardless of the choices of other people.

Crystal McDowell