Under Construction

This summer driving back from the south we hit a lot of construction. While we know that road construction is necessary—it can be very inconvenient. We have to take many detours, stay in one spot for way too long, and drive much slower than what we planned for our trip. However, when the construction is complete, the roads are a much smoother ride and there’s more room for cars to drive.

Being under construction spiritually is very similar. We find ourselves taking many detours before we reach our destination. Some detours are planned but many are not. God allows detours not to frustrate us, but to grow us up so we will be more like Jesus Christ. These detours can feel just as inconvenient; however, if we pull back and relax, we will find ourselves exactly where God wants us to be.

There are times in our walk when we have to stay still for long periods of time. It can be frustrating if we don’t learn to occupy ourselves while we are waiting to move forward. Being still gives us the opportunity to be thankful for what we do have while we are waiting for God to answer our prayers. It also helps us to recognize others in the journey and to take opportunities to minister to them as well.

Being under the construction of the Holy Spirit will also slow us down. Many of us get a glimpse of God’s calling and we do everything we can to fast forward to the other side. Yet we must be willing to let the inner workings of the Spirit transform us to become God’s ambassador. This isn’t a quick fix—rather an enduring work of love that takes exactly the amount of time God has ordained for us.

Being under construction spiritually means that we are being perfected by God…construction will be complete one day when we hear “well done, good and faithful servant.”