Beware of the Blind Spots

By the grace of God, I’m a good driver. However, as I was getting through the heavy traffic of downtown Atlanta, I accidentally pulled in front of a little red car. After the driver angrily yelled something at me (probably nothing good to write here), I shook my head at myself. I was sure I looked at both my blind spots before crossing over, and I couldn’t understand why I didn’t see that car. By the mercy of God, there were no injuries or accidents on either side.

Just like my driving incident, all of us have blind spots that we don’t see about ourselves. As Christians, we are saved from our sins because of our faith in Jesus Christ. However, this doesn’t mean that we don’t sin or need God’s forgiveness over our lives. The problem for many of us is that we get going on this Christian journey and forget to check our blind spots.

These blind spots may or may not be sins. They could just be things about our lifestyle and character that need to be sharpened or removed completely. Just as missing a blind spot in driving could result in serious accidents, unchecked spiritual, emotional, and physical blind spots can destroy ministries, keep people from coming to Jesus, and cause relational discord.

Blind spots are as varied and diverse as the body of Christ. Our blind spots could be not dealing with unresolved issues, abusing our bodies with overeating and lack of exercise, talking too much, entertaining an overactive imagination, or growing an unrestrained desire for being entertained through TV or the internet.

Blind spots can be dealt with by listening to the gentle correction of the Holy Spirit and obeying His leading, also by listening to the insight and advice of those who are around us daily. Humbling ourselves and obeying God’s truth will keep our blind spots at a minimum.

Crystal McDowell